Who was Dr. Andor Arató? Dr. Andor Arató was born in 1885 in Sombor, then Austro-Hungary. During his service in the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War …
This digital monument commemorates the over 10.000 individuals who were deported to various concentration camps during the Second World War via Szeged, from the Szeged (Southern Hungary) and Bačka (Northern Serbia) regions. The database is searchable, and aims to provide the most available information on each and every victim. It is important to remember, however, that during WWII and the period afterwards, several crucial documents disappeared and were destroyed. The current monument, and the database which forms its basis are continuously being updated with new, and more reliable information.
The project team has faced a number of methodological issues during researching the material that forms the basis of this digital monument. These issues include missing (or lost) archival materials, concerns with the reliability of oral and written testimonies of survivors, and controversial information in the available sources. Due to these issues, certain information (e.g. places or dates of death of certain victims) may not be entirely reliable. Upon accessing new sources and information the currently available information will be updated. Hereby we would also like to ask the users of this site, that if they are aware of certain information that may not be available on this site, get in touch with the creators of this monument via info@szegedholocaustmemorial.org.
Who was Dr. Andor Arató? Dr. Andor Arató was born in 1885 in Sombor, then Austro-Hungary. During his service in the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War I, he was taken captive by the Soviets. He returned from captivity in 1919. He married Rózsi nee Kraus. They had two children, János, born in 1920, and Ági, born in 1927. Andor had a Doctorate in Law. In March […]
Ábrahám Vera írása Rabbi, tanító, költő, illusztrátor, zeneszerző, műfordító. Tanulmányait az Országos Rabbiképző Intézetben és a Pázmány Péter Tudományegyetemen Budapesten folytatta, majd kitüntetéssel doktorált. Német, angol és olasz nyelven kívül tudott arabul, arameusul, perzsául, szanszkritul, továbbá ismerte a babilóniai ékírást. Rajzolni Heller Ödönnél tanult Szegeden. 1942-től többször hívták be munkaszolgálatra, ahová kedves költőinek műveit elvitte és a földi pokolban sem […]
Recently, a doctoral candidate of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Lilla Leichter – who also has presented on the topic of the Roma Holocaust at our conference in last June, and also wrote an article to this blog – interviewed two researchers, Dóra Pataricza PhD and Mercédesz Czimbalmos PhD about their work on and with the digital monument. The article […]
Who was Dr. Andor Arató? Dr. Andor Arató was born in 1885 in Sombor, then Austro-Hungary. During his service in the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War …
Ábrahám Vera írása Rabbi, tanító, költő, illusztrátor, zeneszerző, műfordító. Tanulmányait az Országos Rabbiképző Intézetben és a Pázmány Péter Tudományegyetemen Budapesten folytatta, majd …
Recently, a doctoral candidate of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Lilla Leichter – who also has presented on the topic of the …
A makói „történelmi gettóból” 1944. június 16-án deportálták a város, valamint Csanád-Arad-Torontál megye Központi és a Torontáli járásainak zsidóságát. Bár kedvezőek a …
The project has been financed by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance IHRA
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