Over the course of the project that aims to create a digital memorial wall for the victims of the Shoah from the Szeged-Bačka region, all those involved in the project are aiming to create new information and knowledge on the deportations, not only targetting the general public, but also the academic community. Very recently, one of such attempts was realized, in a peer-reviewed scientific article, entitled “Put My Mother on the List Too!” – Reconstructing the Deportation Lists of the Szeged Jewish Community. The article is part of the volume Deportations in the Nazi Era: Sources and Research (edited by Henning Borggräfe and Akim Jah, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110746464).

As the article elaborates, The Jewish Community of Szeged has a rich cultural and historical heritage hearkening back two centuries. Similarly to most Jewish cities in Europa, much of the Jewish population of Szeged was destroyed in the Holocaust. Szeged was the main deportation center of Csongrád country, and the current part of Northen Serbia (commonly referred to as the “Bačka region.” The artile in the volume aims at presenting, and analyzing the fates of the Jewish deportees and returnees of the Holocaust in the above mentioned regions.